The history of the Mississippi River was traced back over 300,000 years ago. It was the Illinois glaciers which have barred the River close to Rock Islands that caused it to divert to its existing route, and stretching towards the western borders of Illinois.
A change in the route of the Mississippi River was caused by earthquakes next to the fault zone of New Madrid which sits at the center of St. Louis and Memphis. The three major earthquakes which happened during the year 1811 and 1812 have caused the temporary reversal of the river. The Reverie settlement located in Tennessee was stopped from the Tipton County and was diverted to the area of the Arkansas River. The earthquakes have also led to the formation of the Reelfoot Lake.
Later on, the lower part of the Mississippi River have naturally diverted to its ending path to the entrance of the Gulf of Mexico. This phenomenon occurred because river's channel was blocked with deposits of mud. The water level rose as a result.
It passes through ten major states of the United States and serves as boundaries for these states.
In addition, The River is combined with other rivers which serve as tributaries. These rivers include St. Croix River, Minnesota River, Wisconsin River, Iowa River, Skunk River, Des Moines River and the Illinois River. The river also has sub-tributaries, namely the Platte River and the Tennessee River.
The Mississippi River is a historical site and one of America's most valued parts of its natural possessions. It is also a sanctuary to over 320 types of birds. The river is also an integral part of the surrounding communities contributing to the economy and environmental aspect. It has been an inspiration in the creation of a cultural heritage.
The Mississippi River has also been a subject in many cultural, music and arts. Novels have been written, songs have been composed pertaining to the wonders of this river.
The river is presently one of the tourist attractions in the U.S. It is a famous place for water skiing. Historically, the sport of water skiing was discovered in this river by Ralph Samuelson during 1922. It was also in Mississippi River that the first ski jump was held in 1925.
The Mississippi River boasts of its seven National Parks which attract a lot of local and foreign tourists every year. The Mississippi National River and Recreation Area was organized in order to protect and preserve the environment of the river.
There are other organizations established who join forces in protecting the river. All joining this worthy cause are Jean Lafitte National Historical Park and Preserve, Jefferson National Expansion Memorial, Effigy Mounds National Monument, Natchez National Historical Park, Vicksburg National Military Park and the New Orleans Jazz National Historical Park.
There are a lot of cruise lines which offers great travel packages for tourists to have an opportunity to witness the magnificent wonder of this historical river. Tourist can enjoy visiting the ten states, all parts of the Mississippi River. Hotels and restaurants are abundant to cater to the needs of the travelers.
The Mississippi River is not just an ordinary river. It is a historical heritage and serves a vital role in the existence of the habitats in its surrounding lands.
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