Sigh...once you have kids and school and work and grandparents and everything else, having a vacation like you used to have may seem like an impossible dream. Not only are there too many things to take care of beforehand, it seems like you'll end up being so stressed while you're gone that the whole point of going on vacation in the first place will be lost.
Not to worry. Taking a couple's vacation is more than just possible; it can be relaxing and rejuvenating as well. By doing a little bit of organizing now, you'll be able to enjoy yourself without guilt, worry, or phone calls home every twenty minutes.
Sarah on 'Remembering Why You're Together' - 'It's funny how quickly the hectic push and pull of everyday life engulfs you. Whether it's picking up or dropping off kids, keeping your house in order, or crossing tasks off a 'To Do' list, you end up so wrapped up in doing things all the time that you rarely have time to appreciate things, specifically, your partner. When life gets crazy, that's when you relay on them the most, but there's never enough time to sit back and remember why you chose them to be your partner in crime. That's the best and most important part of scheduling a couple's vacation. There's really nothing better than sitting somewhere, holding hands with the one you love, and feeling thankful that you're on this wild journey with someone so special.'
Alicia on 'Your Holiday Can Be a Grandparents Dream' - 'They bothered you for years, asking for grandchildren. They bother you now wanting to see their grandchildren. Well, going on a couple's vacation provides the perfect chance to make your parents dreams come true. Even better, it's free! When I think back on my childhood, I remember how much fun it was to stay with my grandparents, since not only was I getting a break from the usual nagging of my parents, but they would spoil me rotten! I'm even more appreciative that the times I spent with my grandparents was a chance for me to forge a relationship and memories with them that I continue to share until this day.'
Here are a few practical things to take care of before you pack your bags and head off on that second honeymoon.
1: Prepare The Babysitter
Whether it's your parents, or someone else taking care of the kids, make sure to put together a list of things you're kids like to eat and do, where they're allowed to go or not go, and any other dos and don'ts. If your children have sports practices, play dates, or other activities planned ahead of time, prepare a schedule that lays out where and when they need to be somewhere. Basically, think of all the different reasons why someone would interrupt your vacation to ask you a question about your kids, and answer it before they have to call.
2: Prepare Yourself
If this is the first time you're going on vacation and leaving the kids behind, you may have a few pangs of guilt. It's natural. Just think back to that first night you left your child at home with someone for a night out. That was hard, but you made it through. Depending on your kids, they'll either send you off with a smile, or a tear, but just as it was when you went to dinner that first time, everything ends up being just fine.
3: Leave The Cellphone on Vibrate, and The Computer At Home
When you're away, you want to be sure that everything is OK at home. There is a limit, however, to how often you can check in without it being disruptive to both you and your kids. Schedule a check in with a nightly phone call, and during the day, leave your phone on vibrate. And please, please leave your computer at home. If an email truly needs to be sent, you can find an Internet cafe near you and do it from there.
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